
"Adya Clarity response: Label to be modified for full transparency,Global shortage of Rare Earth Elements coming"

1.I've been in discussions with Matt Monarch, the owner of The Raw Food World and the primary distributor of Adya Clarity, about their response to the questions that have been raised. This is the product covered in my article yesterday which raised questions about several issues, including it being marketed for internal use, labeling problems, health claims and so on.

After reviewing all the available information about Adya Clarity, Matt Monarch has really made a positive decision to commit to three important changes in the labeling and marketing of Adya Clarity as conditions of his continued marketing of the product. Matt informed me that the president of Adya, Inc., Matt Bakos, also agrees to these conditions:

1) Adya Clarity will not be marketed or labeled for internal use unless and until there is clinical evidence available to support the safe internal use of the product. This means Adya would need to be subjected to clinical studies at a reputable organization that can monitor the intake of the product in a group of people and then assess their levels of iron and aluminum to ensure no overload or toxicity results (among other observed outcomes). While such in-depth testing would not normally be expected for a food item with a long history of traditional use as a food, for a non-food item such as Adya Clarity, this type of testing is wise to pursue.

Also: Although this was not one of the agreed conditions, I personally suggest that the product label include the phrase, "Not for internal use" unless it is proven safe for internal use.

2) Adya Clarity will be relabeled with a "full transparency" label that discloses the accurate concentration of elements in the product in a way that is clear to customers and does not minimize or hide any particular element as is currently being done. In addition, the "ingredients" section of the label will accurately list the key ingredient sulfuric acid which is currently not listed on the label, as well as aluminum sulfate in its proper concentration.

3) Adya Clarity's label will conform to the full approval of Ralph Fucetola, the "Vitamin Lawyer," who specializes in FDA-compliant product labeling (www.VitaminLawyer.com). In other words, The Raw Food World will not sell Adya Clarity unless and until the label is approved by Ralph Fucetola. This is a big deal because Fucetola will not allow his name to be associated with any product label unless it strictly conforms to FDA labeling requirements.
2. Now, by threatening to cut off the world's supply of rare earth elements, China appears to be attempting to monopolize this extremely important strategic resource. According to information received by The Independent, by 2012 China may cease all exports of rare earth elements, reserving them for its own economic expansion.

An article in that paper quotes REE expert Jack Lifton as saying, "A real crunch is coming. In America, Britain and elsewhere we have not yet woken up to the fact that there is an urgent need to secure the supply of rare earths from sources outside China."

And yet virtually no one has heard of this problem! People are familiar with peak oil, global warming, ocean acidification, the national debt and the depletion of fossil water, but very few are aware of the looming crisis in rare metals... upon which much of western civilization rests.

For those who still aren't convinced this is a big deal, consider this: Without rare earth elements, we would have no iPhones. Yeah, I know. That's a disaster, huh?

We would have no fiber optic cables, either. No X-ray machines, no car stereos and no high-tech missile guidance systems for the military. And here's the real kicker: No electric motors.

beautiful mind

